40x40 Mobile Ice Rink

DescriptionThe 40x40 Ice RInk is 1600 sqaure feet. It can hold between 85-105 people skating at one time. This Rink includes 50 pairs of skates and barrier/fence. With the holdiday season coming this is sure to be a great addition to any small event. This Ice Rink can also be used Indoor or Outdoors. (If being used outdoors area mus be flat. Any area that is not flat may be charged for site prep to get the area flat and level.)The 40x40 Ice RInk is 1600 sqaure feet. It can hold between 85-105 people skating at one time. This Rink includes 50 pairs of skates and barrier/fence. With the holdiday season coming this is sure to be a great addition to any small event. This Ice Rink can also be used Indoor or Outdoors. (If being used outdoors area mus be flat. Any area that is not flat may be charged for site prep to get the area flat and level.)